Job Stats & Numbers by Region
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Jobs by Region
An overview of job postings on our platform, categorized by region. Discover the latest job market trends with insights into the total number of jobs available and active postings within the last 30 days. Analyze hiring activity across various regions like North America, Europe, Asia, and more.
Africa159,753 total | 13,505 published in the last 30 days
Antarctica162 total | 2 published in the last 30 days
Asia/Pacific1,660,707 total | 151,178 published in the last 30 days
Europe3,169,594 total | 244,529 published in the last 30 days
Middle East222,325 total | 23,819 published in the last 30 days
North America7,284,884 total | 770,840 published in the last 30 days
South America274,621 total | 25,056 published in the last 30 days
Jobs by Country
Dive deeper into specific countries to see detailed statistics for popular destinations like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and India. Stay informed about the global job landscape and identify potential opportunities with our job data platform.
United States6,458,449 total | 699,596 published in the last 30 days
United Kingdom801,340 total | 65,406 published in the last 30 days
India737,540 total | 59,562 published in the last 30 days
Germany693,929 total | 43,151 published in the last 30 days
Canada561,494 total | 48,044 published in the last 30 days
France437,052 total | 37,911 published in the last 30 days
Australia244,570 total | 23,364 published in the last 30 days
Mexico158,344 total | 13,971 published in the last 30 days
The Netherlands142,382 total | 9,486 published in the last 30 days
Spain140,324 total | 12,946 published in the last 30 days
Brazil126,788 total | 10,911 published in the last 30 days
Poland120,254 total | 8,751 published in the last 30 days
Singapore113,087 total | 8,168 published in the last 30 days
Switzerland98,059 total | 6,751 published in the last 30 days
Philippines97,832 total | 8,234 published in the last 30 days
Italy77,334 total | 7,397 published in the last 30 days
South Africa75,941 total | 6,603 published in the last 30 days
Malaysia71,373 total | 5,661 published in the last 30 days
Ireland67,137 total | 5,258 published in the last 30 days
Sweden59,023 total | 5,375 published in the last 30 days
United Arab Emirates58,192 total | 5,769 published in the last 30 days
Austria57,827 total | 4,145 published in the last 30 days
Belgium57,607 total | 4,253 published in the last 30 days
Portugal54,804 total | 4,272 published in the last 30 days
Japan54,114 total | 3,995 published in the last 30 days
Romania45,528 total | 3,719 published in the last 30 days
Hungary42,634 total | 2,769 published in the last 30 days
Colombia42,444 total | 3,823 published in the last 30 days
Thailand39,748 total | 3,007 published in the last 30 days
Israel39,532 total | 4,869 published in the last 30 days
Indonesia38,572 total | 2,758 published in the last 30 days
Greece36,736 total | 2,965 published in the last 30 days
New Zealand33,860 total | 3,040 published in the last 30 days
Vietnam31,669 total | 2,584 published in the last 30 days
Hong Kong31,651 total | 2,792 published in the last 30 days
Denmark31,455 total | 2,527 published in the last 30 days
Czechia30,540 total | 2,288 published in the last 30 days
China30,409 total | 8,312 published in the last 30 days
Argentina30,329 total | 2,295 published in the last 30 days
South Korea26,687 total | 1,933 published in the last 30 days
Egypt26,597 total | 2,343 published in the last 30 days
Turkey24,118 total | 1,614 published in the last 30 days
Taiwan23,476 total | 2,222 published in the last 30 days
Costa Rica21,828 total | 1,728 published in the last 30 days
Chile20,542 total | 1,625 published in the last 30 days
Bulgaria20,481 total | 1,576 published in the last 30 days
Finland20,474 total | 2,038 published in the last 30 days
Georgia16,585 total | 7,034 published in the last 30 days
Peru16,373 total | 1,669 published in the last 30 days
Ukraine16,178 total | 1,307 published in the last 30 days
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