Job Stats & Numbers by Region
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Jobs by Region
An overview of job postings on our platform, categorized by region. Discover the latest job market trends with insights into the total number of jobs available and active postings within the last 30 days. Analyze hiring activity across various regions like North America, Europe, Asia, and more.
Africa128,286 total | 10,284 published in the last 30 days
Asia/Pacific1,290,318 total | 108,969 published in the last 30 days
Europe2,559,387 total | 200,109 published in the last 30 days
Middle East156,801 total | 17,019 published in the last 30 days
North America5,239,835 total | 449,701 published in the last 30 days
South America211,940 total | 17,730 published in the last 30 days
Jobs by Country
Dive deeper into specific countries to see detailed statistics for popular destinations like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and India. Stay informed about the global job landscape and identify potential opportunities with our job data platform.
United States4,596,481 total | 400,041 published in the last 30 days
United Kingdom643,880 total | 56,935 published in the last 30 days
India594,779 total | 52,590 published in the last 30 days
Germany569,505 total | 36,320 published in the last 30 days
Canada437,592 total | 33,293 published in the last 30 days
France348,388 total | 28,490 published in the last 30 days
Australia193,191 total | 15,483 published in the last 30 days
Mexico124,365 total | 9,995 published in the last 30 days
Netherlands115,499 total | 9,892 published in the last 30 days
Spain111,250 total | 8,736 published in the last 30 days
Brazil101,033 total | 8,653 published in the last 30 days
Poland99,728 total | 7,308 published in the last 30 days
Singapore93,980 total | 8,624 published in the last 30 days
Switzerland80,186 total | 5,971 published in the last 30 days
Philippines76,647 total | 5,683 published in the last 30 days
South Africa61,907 total | 4,304 published in the last 30 days
Italy61,257 total | 4,991 published in the last 30 days
Malaysia58,185 total | 4,739 published in the last 30 days
Ireland54,755 total | 4,207 published in the last 30 days
Belgium47,674 total | 3,253 published in the last 30 days
Sweden46,677 total | 4,563 published in the last 30 days
Austria46,166 total | 3,629 published in the last 30 days
Portugal44,601 total | 3,555 published in the last 30 days
Japan43,964 total | 3,657 published in the last 30 days
United Arab Emirates43,522 total | 4,540 published in the last 30 days
Romania37,153 total | 2,536 published in the last 30 days
Hungary36,415 total | 2,408 published in the last 30 days
Colombia33,451 total | 2,362 published in the last 30 days
Thailand32,451 total | 2,613 published in the last 30 days
Indonesia31,003 total | 2,555 published in the last 30 days
Greece29,608 total | 2,381 published in the last 30 days
Israel27,701 total | 4,669 published in the last 30 days
New Zealand26,818 total | 1,770 published in the last 30 days
Vietnam26,350 total | 1,948 published in the last 30 days
Denmark25,760 total | 1,979 published in the last 30 days
Czechia25,353 total | 1,746 published in the last 30 days
Hong Kong24,758 total | 2,017 published in the last 30 days
Argentina24,544 total | 2,033 published in the last 30 days
South Korea22,389 total | 1,565 published in the last 30 days
Egypt20,777 total | 2,291 published in the last 30 days
Turkey20,094 total | 1,897 published in the last 30 days
Taiwan18,485 total | 1,593 published in the last 30 days
Costa Rica17,676 total | 1,354 published in the last 30 days
Bulgaria16,727 total | 1,295 published in the last 30 days
Chile15,915 total | 1,634 published in the last 30 days
Finland15,016 total | 1,471 published in the last 30 days
Ukraine13,115 total | 951 published in the last 30 days
Norway12,350 total | 1,112 published in the last 30 days
Peru12,109 total | 945 published in the last 30 days
Slovakia11,432 total | 755 published in the last 30 days
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