Job Stats & Numbers by Type
See what's in our job feed database.
Jobs by Type
The list below provides a snapshot of the job landscape through our extensive database. Explore job opportunities by type, including full-time, part-time, temporary, internship, freelance, and contract positions.
Full Time7,461,544 total | 751,679 published in the last 30 days
Part Time594,746 total | 97,745 published in the last 30 days
Temporary35,618 total | 7,973 published in the last 30 days
Internship205,991 total | 21,411 published in the last 30 days
Freelance19,660 total | 2,005 published in the last 30 days
Contract122,876 total | 12,155 published in the last 30 days
Jobs by Experience Level
Gain insights into experience level demand with breakdowns for entry-level, mid-level, senior-level, and executive-level roles.
Entry-level / Junior2,286,497 total | 240,149 published in the last 30 days
Mid-level / Intermediate2,368,031 total | 263,836 published in the last 30 days
Senior level / Expert1,965,075 total | 185,183 published in the last 30 days
Executive level / Director401,455 total | 40,779 published in the last 30 days
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