Job Stats & Numbers by Region
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Jobs by Region
An overview of job postings on our platform, categorized by region. Discover the latest job market trends with insights into the total number of jobs available and active postings within the last 30 days. Analyze hiring activity across various regions like North America, Europe, Asia, and more.
Africa128,062 total | 15,829 published in the last 30 days
Asia/Pacific994,737 total | 108,368 published in the last 30 days
Europe2,028,809 total | 191,085 published in the last 30 days
Middle East112,273 total | 12,929 published in the last 30 days
North America3,934,245 total | 486,812 published in the last 30 days
South America167,679 total | 16,549 published in the last 30 days
Jobs by Country
Dive deeper into specific countries to see detailed statistics for popular destinations like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and India. Stay informed about the global job landscape and identify potential opportunities with our job data platform.
United States3,433,613 total | 434,120 published in the last 30 days
United Kingdom521,523 total | 58,364 published in the last 30 days
Germany454,493 total | 34,516 published in the last 30 days
India454,791 total | 50,449 published in the last 30 days
Canada346,224 total | 36,496 published in the last 30 days
France270,520 total | 25,017 published in the last 30 days
Australia150,284 total | 17,657 published in the last 30 days
Mexico93,910 total | 9,808 published in the last 30 days
Spain88,174 total | 8,461 published in the last 30 days
Netherlands86,743 total | 7,286 published in the last 30 days
Poland79,766 total | 7,256 published in the last 30 days
Brazil78,552 total | 7,921 published in the last 30 days
Singapore70,976 total | 7,979 published in the last 30 days
Switzerland64,966 total | 5,275 published in the last 30 days
Philippines58,393 total | 6,198 published in the last 30 days
Italy49,675 total | 5,241 published in the last 30 days
South Africa49,499 total | 5,629 published in the last 30 days
Malaysia45,535 total | 4,502 published in the last 30 days
Ireland44,028 total | 5,064 published in the last 30 days
Austria41,590 total | 3,474 published in the last 30 days
Belgium38,205 total | 3,353 published in the last 30 days
Portugal35,509 total | 2,878 published in the last 30 days
Sweden34,725 total | 4,161 published in the last 30 days
Japan33,546 total | 3,846 published in the last 30 days
United Arab Emirates30,703 total | 4,253 published in the last 30 days
Hungary29,727 total | 2,590 published in the last 30 days
Romania29,208 total | 2,661 published in the last 30 days
Colombia27,032 total | 2,526 published in the last 30 days
Thailand25,541 total | 2,621 published in the last 30 days
Indonesia23,646 total | 2,466 published in the last 30 days
Greece23,055 total | 2,037 published in the last 30 days
New Zealand21,893 total | 1,857 published in the last 30 days
Vietnam21,037 total | 2,175 published in the last 30 days
Denmark20,481 total | 1,978 published in the last 30 days
Czechia20,346 total | 1,722 published in the last 30 days
Argentina19,668 total | 1,883 published in the last 30 days
Hong Kong19,338 total | 2,129 published in the last 30 days
South Korea18,062 total | 1,358 published in the last 30 days
Israel16,230 total | 1,204 published in the last 30 days
Turkey15,458 total | 1,540 published in the last 30 days
Egypt13,974 total | 1,860 published in the last 30 days
Taiwan13,914 total | 1,214 published in the last 30 days
Costa Rica13,722 total | 1,253 published in the last 30 days
Bulgaria12,991 total | 1,239 published in the last 30 days
Peru12,165 total | 1,078 published in the last 30 days
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